Monday, September 26, 2016


Amy shared some of her lovely crop of berries with me. 

So yummy!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Living Room Progress

Josh's sister and Dad came over last night. They bought us pizza for dinner and helped tear off the drywall that needs, replaced, re-insulated and rewired. It was hot dirty work and I was SO tickled that they came and did it with us.

picture from my iPhone (my camera is broken right now)

Also Josh screwed up the drooping ceiling drywall so now it won't fall down on our heads with the two feet of insulation it has up on top.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

First Baby Picture

So for those of you who are interested...Here is the first "picture" of our baby.

This really truly is an 8 week old baby, I even saw the heart pulsating and heard it through the ultrasound. The doctor said everything looks great and we are on track for an April 10th delivery date.

If you are like me you have no idea what is supposed to be what this is what the Doctor told me. 
The black arrow points to the head, the red arrows point to the arms and the yellow area points to the end. If you still can't tell...don't worry, it took awhile for her to explain it to me too. 

The actual baby length today is 1.9cm.