Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Our church recently had our annual CRI trip. We usually take a group down to Fowlerville, Michigan and volunteer for a day. Christian Resources International sends Bibles and other materials all around the world. They started out as a recycling center (actually sort of a hoarder) who got tired of seeing books and Bibles in the trash. Now his vision has turned into this place that sends cargo containers of Christian material to countries all around the world. 

Sorting books.
 Naomi does not appreciate it when I pose for her photography

Libby and I sealing a box of books.

Lunch break

Sorting watermelon boxes of Bibles

Libby ...alone on the Word of God.

You can see what CRI is all about and how you can be involved at their website.


  1. The reason I don't like you to pose is because you are always pose goofy.

  2. Hope no one got packed up in those big boxes!

  3. come to think of it...I haven't seen Caleb in a few days...
