Friday, December 5, 2014

One Year Ago Today

Josh asked me to be his girlfriend. 
We've learned a lot, laughed a lot, and had a lot of fun. 

I don't like girl's blogs that just brag about their guys, but I'm going to do it anyway.
Last Saturday, I had some disappointing news (I'm not in nursing clinical rotation until January of 2016.) I worked Monday morning, went and talked with the nursing secretary at school and confirmed my "un-registered" status then had classes all day. I got home right before dinner and was tired and discouraged. Josh came to our house after he got out of work, and he brought a rose and chocolates for me! 

I think this pictures says "Watch out world, Betsy and Josh have teamed up."


  1. Oh you two are so cute together! Excited with you, and it's good to brag and remember those things that make the other person smile and feel cared about. = ]

  2. You go ahead a brag all you want here....we are on your team!
