Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Last day of summer vacation

Logan and I shopped all summer trying to find a good deal on kayaks. At last, I purchased two from Dunhams. On my first several trips I noticed that my boat collected a puddle in the bottom. Although Dunhams policy is "not to exchange watercraft after it has been in the water" they took it back.

Logan and I began our water trip at the nature center and traveled down to the tridge.

As we turned the last bend near the tridge Logan started to force me toward the bank. I paddled hard but was losing ground. Suddenly a voice from the bridge called out, "Hey, be nice."

Brother Byler came down and visited with us for a couple minutes while we waited for Mom to bring the pick-up-truck.

When she came we had her try out the kayak too.

It was a good last day of summer vacation

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