Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Macha Hospital

I've never been to a mission hospital before I visited the Macha BIC hospital. I've heard about them, read about them and seen lots of pictures. I wasn't surprised, but I was sobered. Maybe someday I will have the opportunity to spend some time working in Macha?

micro-biology lab

waiting room

AIDS clinic auditorium

This housing was for family members, but is now for staff

These huts on the edge of campus are true isolations quarters. Last time they were used was in a cholera outbreak.

Hospital kitchen on the left, laundry on the right.

Kids burn unit. We were glad it was empty!

We call it a crash cart.

Looking out the nurse's station into the 40 bed men's ward.

Stretchers waiting at the main entrance

Hospital chapel. Right in the middle of everything. Somehow it seemed a lot more useful than our hospital chapel.

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