Wednesday, August 20, 2014


A quick review to see what I'm doing in the areas of SPICE.


I've been helping out with Compass our young adult Bible study. Every other week we study a topic. I make out these blank sheets so everybody can take notes, and then I bring mine home and fill it out. That way if anybody wasn't there, they can still see what we studied.


We've been trying to learn how to play volley ball better. Unfortunately I hurt my foot, so I've been out of practice the last few rounds.


I start my next set of college course on Monday. I'm dreading them, but trying to be glad I only have ten credits!


I really can't take credit for it, it was Mom's idea. I made this blueberry flag to put up at our market stand. That way people can look from the parking lot and know that we are there. I knew that old tent pole I was saving would be good for something. :)


This summer has been a learning time for Josh and I and our families. I'm so glad that God brought Josh into my life and is helping us learn together how to be His instruments.

This post was inspired by Julie.


  1. Nice pic of you and Josh. I like the way the blue of your blouse is repeated in the plaid of his shirt. I'm guessing someone planned that.

  2. actually...we just happen to both like to wear blue...and so sometimes we match
