Thursday, January 24, 2013


I'm taking a class about Biblical perspectives.

Here are a few perspectives from Perspective.

"When the kingdom of God is the goal of all we do, then competing calls and opposing ambitions fade under the sound of the King's marching orders." ~Dearborn

"Mission is our privileged participation in the lifegiving action of the triune God." ~Dearborn

"Contrary to many naive opinions, the devil is not a red monster with a pitchfork, 
but often a do-gooder." ~Ellison

"... Israel began looking out for her own interests, as we often do, becoming a club of the pious and forgetting her calling to be sharers of blessing, truth, gifts and the 'Seed' to the nations." ~Kaiser

"He (God) is a God of steadfast love and faithfulness. This is not to say that he always fulfills his promises immediately." ~Stott 

"Jonah is a lesson in educating a person to be a missionary: it reveals the need for a radical conversion of one's natural tendencies and a complete restructuring of his life to make it serviceable for mission."

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