Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Home Alone

I do not like being home alone. Tonight is one of those nights I don't like. After cleaning up the dishes, counter tops, leftover food and dining room table I gave myself a reward.

Root beer float would have been good, but frozen yogurt floated in raspberry gingerale was what the counter and freezer had to offer.

Someday (if I ever grow up and have to live alone by myself) I think I will turn into a self-indulging blimp.


  1. I had a brown cow tonight.

  2. probably better than my pink unicorn!

  3. I've said it before and I'll most likely say it again. Alone is not a four letter word. Friends are good. Relationships are important. And family is to be treasured BUT it is also important that you can just be with you and enjoy the good company....even if that includes pink unicorns and brown cows.

  4. Got anymore pink unicorns for tonights fellowship :)

  5. ha ha... unless it is like the widows oil, i think the bottle will run dry. However, Mom has baked a few dozen cookies...
