Saturday, June 1, 2013

What do you say to that?

Yesterday I was giving a lady her pills. She doesn't like to swallow big pills so normally I crush the big ones and then mix them with the little ones in applesauce. I took a spoonful of the mixture and said, "Open your mouth, this is your medicine." She sealed her lips and and stuck up her nose at me. "You open your mouth." She sassed. So I opened my mouth and said "Aah." She did too and I shoved in the spoonful. Unhappily she worked it around in her mouth, swallowed and then gave a pit-tuey to the little aspirin pill. It bounced across the floor till I scooped it up and disposed of it.

The next bite she again would not open her mouth. "No," she told me through clenched teeth. "Why not." I asked. She looked at me with big, wide eyes, cocked her head and stated, "How do I know that you're not doing dope?" I couldn't help it, I just turned away, medicine in hand and laughed.