Friday, August 16, 2013

Brian's car

After all Brian has said about the snob effect of a Ford Five Hundred...he now owns one!

look at that hauling capacity...I'm a little jealous
When the auctioneer started begging for $1,000 Brian's elbow started to get that twitch Grandpa's used to have. It took a couple more ups and down of the elbow, but Brian came out the winner.

beautiful huh? (btw that is an old stain puddle under it)
You never know what good deal Brian will bring home from his next farm auction.


  1. Great Job do your grandpa proud!

  2. schnazzy pazzy.... mr. fancy pants.

    and-- yep, have to agree it's a bit ironic for all the grief he gave our friend with the 500.

    "I mean, the guy drives a Ford 500!!!" (Brian, yours is, btw- even the same year)

    What a blessed auction buy!

  3. whoops- one more thing--

    Brian, the steering wheel seems to be on the wrong side of the car. Did you get a defective one?

    hum... maybe that's why it was such a steal...
