Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy Youth Day!

Julie informed us that today is a holiday. I've never celebrated Youth Day before, but figured today would be a good day to participate in the festivities. I'm not really sure what you are supposed to do. But I have the day off from work and had to go to town this morning.

BTW those Kosher Dill chips were really yummy.

So I picked up party items. For lunch we celebrated with hot dogs, dill chips, BBQ chips, CheezIts, and a skype conversation with JULIE!!!! It was the best ever connection. We got to see her, talk to her, and she even showed us her peanut butter cookies fresh from the oven. 

two of my favorite things Julie and CheezIts

One of our youth

chowin' down on Youth Day

What a treat. I think I like Youth Day.


  1. Wow...Julie AND CheezIts. That is quite a special day :)

  2. Yep, I think I should do it more often!
