Saturday, March 16, 2013

History Lessons

Please tell us Sodom of your story;
did you feel a life of glory.
All you earned was God's true wrath.
So show us please the long worn path.

Did you kill your children in the womb;
then throw their bodies in metal tomns (sic).
Did you still their hearts their voice;
their right to live from others' choice.

Did man loving man have more right;
than man loving God, living in light.
Do you see clearly the error of ways;
that caused your destruction, ended your days.

Did you teach your children to kill and to hate;
did the violence you wreeked (sic) seal your fate.
Did you teach your children indifference shown;
to love only those who you call your own.

Please oh please for mankind's sake;
tell us before the hour is late.
There were no rainbows to promise no more;
the signs are upon us, we know what's in store.

by Jane M. Schultz

The lady who wrote this poem came to our Perspectives class several weeks ago. She recited some of her poetry and gave us copies of her favorite pieces. This is one of a set that sobered me and continues to challenge me. 
What am I doing, praying, and saying that will help to defend the unborn children?


  1. Very good and yes challenging.

    Yesterday I talked with a family that took in two boys that had no family. They just went to the person the boys were staying with and said, "Do you want to come stay with us". The boys were thrilled, went to school the next day and told everyone they had a mom and dad.

    Caring for the orphan- I saw the gospel in the flesh.
